Monday, September 10, 2012

Willow River Falls at Burkhardt

Date: September 5th

Weather: 70 degrees, rain

Stream: clear

Hatch: Nothing

Beer: Schell’s Oktoberfest

            The season has been wonderful so far and with a month left till close, the big fish start biting. For some reason I don’t know I switched from going to the Kinnie to Willow River Falls section at Burkhardt. Maybe it was for a change of scenery or to see if my skills would at a new section of river I’ve never fished. The falls are just beautiful, somewhat out of place in intensive Wisconsin agriculture but a nice gem nonetheless.

            At the base of the falls is a big pool I chucked some streamers into. Creek chubs abounded and I figured trout had to be there but no luck. Not being able to go upstream, I went down. And the evening’s fishing went down with it. This section of the Willow has water which barely has a current, no deep holes or runs and shallow sand runs everywhere. The water temperature felt cool as I heard reports the Willow was too warm for trout and anglers were advised to go elsewhere. That may be so but this section was awful.

            Under fading autumn light I made the executive decision to abandon my attempts at the falls and speed through the back roads to the Willow-Race section of the river outside the park. I made with about half an hour of light and tied on an indicator and stonefly nymph. I hit a few spots but no bites, there were some rises too but by the time I switched to a dry fly the light was gone. That was my first time on the Willow-Race section since May and I wish I could have done better.

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