Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Witching Hour

Date: July 31st

Weather: 89 degrees

Stream: Clear, 92 cfs

Hatch: Tiny tricos

Beer: The Dancing Man

            With my last class wrapping up soon I should have spent the evening working on my project but I hit the river instead. Screw homework, when the fishing is good I can’t focus on something as dull as that. Typically, July is usually a mix bag when it comes to fishing the river. Hatches are slow and small and trout rise less frequently. But I’ve been experiencing a fishing renaissance this summer. The trout have been all over my line.

            The runs I stopped at all produced trout, mostly around eight inches. Nothing too significant but still fun to catch. A few holes yielded some eleven inch trout which fought great. Since I started nymphing, I’ve been hitting different spots with some great results. One spot, which for a few years I’s always thought looked to be a great spot, had never produced a trout despite plenty of effort. Tonight was different, drifting a stonefly nymph towards the end of the run I saw my strike indicator submerge. I set the hook with a low drag and took my time reeling in the trout, letting it run. When I netted it I saw the side of its face looked different. At first I thought the hook did something but the poor thing was missing its eye. I didn’t have the heart to keep it. 

The moon was beautiful tonight too. 

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