Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Long Hike Deep into the Kinnie

Date: March 28th  

Weather: Snow and Cold

Stream: Willow Clear

Hatch: midges

Beer: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

            The Kinnie has spoiled me, especially after my 2012 season. I had no competition due to bridge construction and all the holes were clear of overzealous anglers. This March I’ve seen more anglers on my beloved gem of a stream than all last year. I’ve always wondered what hidden secrets the Kinnie holds beyond my usual stomping grounds so today, captive to my imagination, I set forth a long haul back beyond the canyon.

            It was like I was in the Southern Hemisphere, everything was different. It reminded me of the Brule. Something about fresh snow absent of footprints set my soul at ease as I looked for a promising spot. As is unusual for me, I set down the fly rod and set up my new Saint Croix ultra-light spinning rod. As my uncle told me, March is for spinners. In a promising combination of deep water, riffles and structure I threw out a spinner and got hit after hit. It was beautiful.

            It was great slaying the trout on the spinning rod, it’s different than a fly rod and I was out of practice. I lost a few as a result. Switching it up I tied on an ugly pink scud and hooked a beauty on my first drift. I love the action on a fly rod, the bend and the fight is just so fun. Fifteen fish later and I was set. 

            It’s hard marching through a foot of snow. As eager as I was to keep pushing on the sun was setting and I had a long hike back. Some of my days on the river blend together, I cant keep all the details separate. However, today as I charted new territory I had a big smile on my face all day. Next time I will be pushing onwards and upwards deeper in the heart of darkness that is the Kinnie. 

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