Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pressing my Hot Streak on the Kinnie

Date: June 6th

Weather: 80 degrees, overcast

Hatch: Minimal

Beer: The Dancing Man

            Scott Walker is still Wisconsin’s Governor. I was hoping for more uplifting news as I drove into Wisconsin but at least I don’t live there. There is no point devoting brain cells to the maddening political discussion when the are lots of trout to be caught.

            My luck on the Kinnie has been outstanding; I've had the best fishing of my life over the past few weeks. I knew driving out I might be pressing my luck. You can’t stay hot forever. I hit my latest hot spots without any success. A few trout were rising but the hatch was minimal and the trout were wary. Further upriver was the same story but I did hook one trout in a seldom fished pocket of water. It was just was I was looking for; I recently got a rodrule for my fishing rod which is a vinyl adhesive ruler. My first trout measured out at a nice ten inches.

            It started raining and that slowed down the bite. Disheartened, I headed back and stopped at one last spot in the fading sunlight. I hooked another ten incher followed by two smaller trout. It wasn’t the best night but four trout is better than one. Next week I’m thinking Burkhardt sounds promising. 

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