Saturday, June 9, 2012

McKenzie Creek and the Clam River

Date: June 8th

Weather: 84 degrees
The McKenzie

Hatch: Nothing

Beer: Forgot to bring some

            A nice relaxing weekend at Balsam Lake, WI for a Fleischhacker get together gave me the chance to check out some streams around the Ice Age Trail. McKenzie stream is a small tributary of the Clam River system and supposed to have trout.

Endangered Blanding's Turtle
            I made it to the McKenzie excited to check out a new stream but it just went downhill from there. If I wasn’t being bitten by mosquitos, the undergrowth vegetation was stinging me, and if I wasn’t being stung, I was getting my line caught in the jungle thick growth. I managed to catch one puny three inch trout. This stream sucked. But at least now I know it sucks instead of having to wonder. Perhaps the worst part was I forgot to bring some beer with me. 

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