Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Early Morning Trout

Date: June 13th

Weather: 52 degrees

Hatch: Minimal

Stream: Clear, lowered slightly

Beer: Streamside Espresso – Dunn Brothers Papua New Guinea

            One of June’s great pleasures is hauling your ass out of bed at 4:30 in the morning to make it to the river for the sunrise. When I woke up I couldn’t believe how much light there was that early and the sun doesn’t rise till 5:30 this time of the year. Typically, I prefer evening fishing just because I like closing out the sunlight hours on the river and enjoying a cool beer. Sometimes you have to make it out in the morning for a little different fishing experience. Plus, I love watching the world wake up on beautiful summer morning with a cup of coffee.

            I saw only a handful of insects fluttering over the water’s surface but that didn’t stop the trout from rising. I had lots of luck on dry flys; primarily a parachute adams and a pale morning dun. I hit my usual haunts on the Kinnie followed with some spots I usually don’t fish. Everywhere I stopped I caught a fish. It was great fishing throughout the morning and I finished with around 15 or 16 trout, I lost count after a while.

            The Kinnie is a long river and this morning I made the long hike to new fishing spots. The further up you go, those sections of water have light fishing pressure and therefore the trout are less wary. Also, wildlife abounds, I spooked two fawns, a turkey and stumbled upon a family of Wood Ducks with their ducklings. Trout were abundant on this stretch and the only thing which slowed down the bite was the arrival of noon. I kept one trout and should have had two more but both threw my hook as I was about to net them. 

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