Monday, April 29, 2013

Crossing the Water

Date: April 26th

Weather: 72 Degrees

Stream: High w/ slight stain

Hatch: minimal

Beer: The Dancing Man

            It’s been almost six months since I’ve felt 70 degree weather. That’s too long. I had this great fantasy of great weather as I wrapped up my last few weeks of student teaching but it finally came my last day. After a long three month teaching experience with some wonderful students I felt I couldn’t cap off the experience any better than ending it on the river.

            I had high hopes for some kind of hatch – Dark Hendricksons or midges – I didn’t care which but the river was eerily quiet. The river was very high and still carried a slight stain from weeks of rain and snow. I cast a few dry flys with no success but admired the soft ripples each fly forms as it so delicately lands on the water. A crayfish streamer produced a nice trout but not much else. It felt nice sitting on the river banks devoid of snow and catching some sun. 

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