Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome to 2012

I never thought I would ever be doing this but I am starting a blog covering some of my fishing adventures. The season doesn't begin until March but I thought I would dedicate my first entry with some lead up information. I've been trout fishing in the upper Midwest for several years and I've come a long way since my first day fly fishing on the river. I think I spent more time that first day untangling my fly from stream side brush than watching it drift over some of the Kinnickinnic's deep runs.

For the most part, I fish a trinity of rivers located in western Wisconsin: the Kinnickinnic, Willow and Rush Rivers. Each are 45 minutes from Saint Paul, filled with wild trout, and meander through some of the most beautiful Midwest forests and rolling countryside. It's hard to top an evening on one of these river gems casting to hungry trout sipping insects off the water. It's even better when you have a few cold New Glarus Dancing Man Wheat's in your cooler on warm midsummer evening.

As I write this first entry I look forward to what the 2012 fishing season has to offer. While I mostly fish my trinity of rivers,  I will be in Southeastern Minnesota to fish some of our state's great Driftless streams. As the spring develops and snow melts, I will be heading to Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota to take in the Steelhead run from rivers like the Bois Brule and French. In the fall I'll head up north again to fish for some great runs of Pink Salmon on the Temperance and Poplar Rivers. Each river always contains unexpected surprises and stories and I hope to have plenty to share throughout the year.

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